Founder Info:
In January 2006, Ursula Williams started to work as a volunteer with the seniors in Ocean View and Masipumelele, visiting the elderly who struggle with loneliness as they did not have visit from family members. Seeing the struggles of these members of our local community gave her the idea to start cooking soup for these elderly people as many of them had a lack of food and people to keep them company.
Her sons assisted her with hand deliveries to seniors’ homes who did not have a meal for the day.
Ursula was involved in the senior clubs and many activities the elders were involved in such as the golden games by social development.
While working 3 days a week, from starting to cook for the elders, Ursula cooked three pots of food weekly, feeding 260+ people on a daily basis, with supplies bought out her own pocket without any support from funders.
In 2013 the idea dawned on her to host a Christmas party for the younger children within Ocean View, as many families within the flats of Ocean View could not afford gifts for kids during the festive season. She asked the newspaper The Echo, A local newspaper based in Fish Hoek, to post an article requesting for donations towards her first party which 200+ kids were treated to food, snacks a fun day and a gift for Christmas. Since then, she has continued this event which now accommodates 300 to 400+ children. As many children have parents suffering with alcohol and drug abuse.
Ursula still is very active within the community hosting various events within her area to create the idea of peace, love and joy within the hearts of people within our community.